
Powering Student Services with In-Person Online Experiences

Higher Education Institution Supporting Students in Every Step with Voitec and Surfly Universal Co-browsing


  • More personalised engagements with quicker resolutions, reducing the time it takes to assist during each call.
  • Improved student support through overcoming communication and language challenges with real time sharing of the students screen to resolve problems.
  • Enables co-browsing external websites, creating a higher service level for students.

At a Glance

Higher education


To provide the right level of engagement and service, no matter where the student is located.

Surfly Universal Co-browsing

Higher education and universities operate on a worldwide stage, competing to offer the most advanced student experience and quality of learning. With over 85,000 students, one university in Australia wanted to be at the forefront of the student experience to help attract innovative talent.

Student Services on the world stage

The student services department is on the front line for student engagement, providing support to its existing student base ranging from course information, enrolment services and assisting with financial services as needed. Focused on student excellence, the student services team wanted to ensure they were equipped with the right technology to provide more complex interactions with students online using co-browsing.

Often student services are engaged with quite complex and lengthy interactions with students, some of which are overseas and therefore there are sometimes some language barriers. Trying to ‘talk through’ descriptions of where to find information on our site, assist students with filling in online forms has proven very time consuming and difficult for both the student services as well as the student. In the past, the university trialled several ‘desktop’ sharing applications with limited success. This was due to the complexities around security requirements and the need for the student to have to download plug ins to share their desktop or mobile device. 

girl on laptop on desk banner

The magic of engaging with Surfly co-browsing technology

SurflyUtilising technology for the university was key. Student services wanted to ensure they were equipped with the right technology to provide more complex interactions with students online using co-browsing. The team at Voitec showed the university how using Surfly universal co-browsing would help student services easily take the students through online engagements. Unlike previous technology they had tried, the student services team no longer need to ‘share’ the student’s desktop, the technology only shares the website. Surfly has the ability to isolate certain access features, providing the students with better security protection while taking students through the website step by step. Surfly Universal Co-browsing gives students and staff a more enjoyable engagement and reducing the time it takes to assist each call.

Surfly Universal Co-browsing provided an important benefit and service for the university – the ability to co-browse external websites. Often students needed additional support and information provided on sites outside the university, such as Centrelink, MyGov and other state and Federal government websites. This additional support from the student services team, helped create a centre of excellence, providing a high touch service for the students.

Student excellence and the right student experience was vital. The solution and service provided by Voitec, combined with the technology of Surfly universal co-browsing has certainly reduced frustrations, streamlined operations and enhanced the student experience.